Saturday, August 8, 2009

space final product

This is the final product of my Space scene. I actually had a bit of a period in the middle there where i struggled for ideas on what to put in there but after a little bit the ideas came flooding in. The whole point with this image was to put things that were not likely to appear on the moon or even anywhere for that matter. I wanted to make it fun and lighthearted as i have done a fair bit of serious stuff this year so i wanted to do something a bit different and try add some humor in (try being the opperative word!) haha. I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out, i had some concerns during the process of making where i was quite unhappy but then i did that with all my images but again i did my best and put alot of effort in so hopefully that will show. I feel i'm starting to get a pretty good grasp on the whole shadow thing and found it slightly easier for this image than the Me Myself and I one, although again not everything has a shadow but this is simply because they are in the sky so they wouldn't be projecting one in reality. The only real concern i have with this image is that it may be a slight bit cluttered in the top left corner but this is because its the only part of sky and i had a few things i wanted to put in the sky, so the image was almost perfect except for that i would have liked a little more sky maybe but thats not really a big issue i don't feel. I did the shadows a little bit differently in this one than the others, i used the method luke showed us in class of holding control to skew the image and make it the shape you want. I also found that for the most part i didn't need to change the opacity as when i added the gausien blur it was light enough so i didnt need to alter the opacity.

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