Sunday, August 16, 2009

Night Club poster 3

The type on this poster is very basic with no overly decorative or standout fonts. The font that has been used is a simple block san serif font similar to if not arial or arial bold. Theres not really alot going on with the type in this one except just varied size and colour to shake it up a bit.


I really love the illustration on this one. I think that its just awesome and really well designed. Theres alot of detail and varying objects yet it doesn't look over done or cluttered. All the images are vectored illustrations and for the most part bunched together. I think the illustrations really make this poster and are really brilliant.


Again there is no photography featured in this poster, i swear i didn't do it on purpose either so i could avoid writting about it! it's just the posters i liked and thought were the best didnt have any.


Jesus i have no idea what to write for this one here! i guess maybe the concept was to put across a happy, vibrant and rockin poster. Is that enough of a description? how bout i make up for it in one of the other paragraphs, yep sounds good to me.


The colours on this poster are very bright and vibrant and give of a happy cheery sort of feel. The main colour used is purple couldn't tell you why maybe they thought it looked cool? I know i sure do! They've used several different shades of purple which look cool as well as adding other bright colours like yellow and orange to help it better stand out.


The balance in this one is given by the main illustration going along the bottom and right side, then having the text and a smaller less prominant illustration up the top and to the left. This gives the poster perfect balance as all sides are equally covered with no one part of the poster featuring too much to tilt the balance. They've also got it so that the larger more intricate illustration is down the bottom as this gives it a weighted look without being out of balance if that makes any sense at.


The culture of the night club can be found in this poster by the happening mosh pit illustration down the bottom aswell as the chick rockin some air guitar moves up in the top corner. Also just by the colours used and even somehow the various shapes around the place just say to me i'm here to promote dancing!

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