Sunday, August 16, 2009

Night Club poster 1


The type on this poster is fairly straight foward basic font, the display type uses a simple serif font while the text uses a simple san-serif font. Theres no real fancy things being done with it except maybe the o in "TwosDay". The size of the font is kept consistantly the same mostly throughtout the entire poster with the exception of the heading. It's all aligned evenly along the right and kept neatly together in the same section of the poster.


The illustration on this poster i think looks really cool. Its all vector based line art mostly nature based with the exception of a star of music note here or there. The Illustration is not overly intricate or complicated looking like some of the other posters but still looks good. For the most part the illustrations are all bunched together with the odd vine placed in a different place for good measure.


There is no Photography featured in this poster.


My guess would be the concept of this poster is to create a natural sort of theme. They've used simple natural fonts then added illustrations of nature. Its also a rather simplistic and balanced design with not too much going on which goes back to the whole natural theme.


The colours on this poster are inline with the whole nature concept mentioned above. There are no bright or stand out colours with the use of an orangy-brown, black and grey all fitting into colours you would commonly see in nature with exception maybe to the grey. The colours are used well because they blend together and don't in anyway clash giving the poster a harmonious feel. All the colours on this poster are flat and don't feature any outline or stylising of anyform.


There is a great deal of balance i think in this poster. The text is all featured on one side and the illustration for the most part on the other. There is a larger illustration of the fearns down the bottom to balance out with the larger heading at the top. There are no overwelming large gaps of space with the content of the poster forming a sort of square shape so not one side seems more heavy or tilted than the other.


I'm not exactly sure what to write here but i guess i would say the culture of the poster doesn't really fit much with the night club scene, given that if i saw it with the text in another language or loren ipsum i wouldn't instantly recognise that it was for a nightclub. It is a little bit different than most of the others in that the night club culture isn't envoked in the design but i still think its good none the less.

Night Club poster 2


There are several different types of font used in this poster. The first is the font found in the logo which is a blocked san serif font. The next is the font used for the Dj name which is a more decorative font that looks kind of blobby and runny which looks cool. Then theres the main chunk of text which is a similar font to the logo but is sized and coloured differently to add some diversity. Illustration

The Illustration on this poster is a vector image of a female my guess would be the Dj playing her turntables. The thing i really like about this illustration is the blue sort of flame like outer glow that it has going on. I also like how the image goes from dark to light and has varying shades in the background.


There is no photography featured on this poster.


The concept i guess would be to give a funky and hip vibe to the viewer, which is probably the Dj's image. I am not familar with this particualr Dj but i know that most Dj have a kind of cool, hip, laid back sort of attitude and there music rocks all the clubs. So i would say that was the angle they were going for on this one.


The colours used on this poster are mostly dark, even the blue isn't overly bright to give the feel of a night club scene as night clubs are usually dark with neon lights which is where the blue comes in. As i mentioned above the backround colour is varying shades of black to an I'd say grey which gives a really cool effect that fits the night club scene really well.


Like in the first poster. this one to is balanced by the text being on one side and the bulk of the illustration on the other. Most to all of the text is placed on the left side while the main part of the illustration is on the right. All the content is placed around the page so that the are no large gaps and look even and neat.


The way in which this poster captures the night club culture is quite obvious, in that a Dj and turntable are a expected and familar part of night club life. Unlike the previous poster its gone for obvious straight to the point imagry that viewers can easily associate with a night club without having to think or look closely. Its also used colours that you would be likely to come across in one night club or another.

Night Club poster 3

The type on this poster is very basic with no overly decorative or standout fonts. The font that has been used is a simple block san serif font similar to if not arial or arial bold. Theres not really alot going on with the type in this one except just varied size and colour to shake it up a bit.


I really love the illustration on this one. I think that its just awesome and really well designed. Theres alot of detail and varying objects yet it doesn't look over done or cluttered. All the images are vectored illustrations and for the most part bunched together. I think the illustrations really make this poster and are really brilliant.


Again there is no photography featured in this poster, i swear i didn't do it on purpose either so i could avoid writting about it! it's just the posters i liked and thought were the best didnt have any.


Jesus i have no idea what to write for this one here! i guess maybe the concept was to put across a happy, vibrant and rockin poster. Is that enough of a description? how bout i make up for it in one of the other paragraphs, yep sounds good to me.


The colours on this poster are very bright and vibrant and give of a happy cheery sort of feel. The main colour used is purple couldn't tell you why maybe they thought it looked cool? I know i sure do! They've used several different shades of purple which look cool as well as adding other bright colours like yellow and orange to help it better stand out.


The balance in this one is given by the main illustration going along the bottom and right side, then having the text and a smaller less prominant illustration up the top and to the left. This gives the poster perfect balance as all sides are equally covered with no one part of the poster featuring too much to tilt the balance. They've also got it so that the larger more intricate illustration is down the bottom as this gives it a weighted look without being out of balance if that makes any sense at.


The culture of the night club can be found in this poster by the happening mosh pit illustration down the bottom aswell as the chick rockin some air guitar moves up in the top corner. Also just by the colours used and even somehow the various shapes around the place just say to me i'm here to promote dancing!

Night Club poster 4

Similar to the last poster this one uses very simple san serif block font the main difference being however that this font is very thin whereas the other was thick and blocky. Its all the same font throughout the poster just again varying sizes and colour.


For the first time theres not a great deal of illustration. There are some small things however like the millions of little dots down the bottom that lead up the page and the mesh like image that spreads across some of the pictures.


Ah! finally i can write something here! theres a few different photos used in this one the first being the Dj im guessing and the second being some sort of building then the third being several speakers or records i think they're speakers though. All the images are in black and white with the image of the Dj having a very grainy appearence probably from a photoshop filter.


The concept for this one i guess is to show a darker side to the dance lifestyle. I guess the main reason for this is maybe the Dj is from a poor background or something like that which i gather from the slum looking appartment in the image. I guess the name foreign beggars shows that point. I think the concept is to more show the history or style of the Dj than the Night club.


The colours used on this poster are very dark and kind of dreary but really suit the style and the concept. Theres alot of black with a slight bit of purple in the top and a grey tinge in the images. There a slight bit of yellow found in the type of the date and some sort of name to add a little colour and break up the darkness a little bit.


The balance in this poster is quite a bit different than all the other posters. The images and text are all together however there is a sort of coloumn effect with the image seeming to be splipt into three horizontal columns. The first being the speakers and the first bit of text, the second the picture of te man and building and the third being the rest of the text and some light illustration.


This poster is not so much about the culture of night clubs but like a said before more about the Dj and his image. I guess you could make a connection between night clubs and this by the images of the speakers and the neon like color of purple looks a little night clubby...

Night Club poster 5

Again like most the other posters this one has pretty basic font, san serif, block and bold. The type is angled and postioned in different ways to make it look more interesting and again colour and size differ to also add more interest.

The illustration on this poster are awesome! it varies from simple blob shapes to the very intricate gorilla image and the intricate line art vines. i love how it blends together complicated images with simple images in a way that really works.


As per usual no photography but hey there was in the last one!

Dunno exactly what the concept behind this one is....i'm not sure how a gorilla has anything to do with night clubs, but it has a bright and vibrant look like alot of other night club posters do to relate to the neon lights and disco balls that can be found in 'tha clubs'. Thats about all i can come up with really i'm clueless as to what they where trying to achieve here but it looks awesome!


Like alot of the posters in this field the poster uses bright vibrant colours combined with black. It also uses colour to set aside the display font from the rest as well as bright colourful blobs to break up the black and yellow of the background which is good coz otherwise then it would look like richmond!

I'm not so sure about the balance on this one, theres alot of chaos and i think it might be maybe a little top heavy which would be my only critism, as in theres alot happening up the top but as much down the bottom which makes it look a little top heavy in my opinion. Despite that it uses all the space well and theres no negative space which makes it look more balanced with the rest of it.

As with the concept i'm a little confused as to how this fits the culture, i'm sure it does but i'm struggling to see it. I think the colours fit well like all the other posters so thats a part i can pick up on other than that im stumped.....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

space final product

This is the final product of my Space scene. I actually had a bit of a period in the middle there where i struggled for ideas on what to put in there but after a little bit the ideas came flooding in. The whole point with this image was to put things that were not likely to appear on the moon or even anywhere for that matter. I wanted to make it fun and lighthearted as i have done a fair bit of serious stuff this year so i wanted to do something a bit different and try add some humor in (try being the opperative word!) haha. I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out, i had some concerns during the process of making where i was quite unhappy but then i did that with all my images but again i did my best and put alot of effort in so hopefully that will show. I feel i'm starting to get a pretty good grasp on the whole shadow thing and found it slightly easier for this image than the Me Myself and I one, although again not everything has a shadow but this is simply because they are in the sky so they wouldn't be projecting one in reality. The only real concern i have with this image is that it may be a slight bit cluttered in the top left corner but this is because its the only part of sky and i had a few things i wanted to put in the sky, so the image was almost perfect except for that i would have liked a little more sky maybe but thats not really a big issue i don't feel. I did the shadows a little bit differently in this one than the others, i used the method luke showed us in class of holding control to skew the image and make it the shape you want. I also found that for the most part i didn't need to change the opacity as when i added the gausien blur it was light enough so i didnt need to alter the opacity.

Me Myself and I final product

This is the final copy of the Me Myself and I composite. I wanted to have some fun with this one and put myself into some goofy poses and like luke said not be limited by reality so i chose to put myself in some odd positions like having myself half stuck in the ground. I also wanted to add a bit of difference to each of my images so chose to have each of my "clones" at different sizes for example the picture of me under the tramp is a midget version of me, all of the others are sized differently to though some are more noticable than others. In the begining i felt i really struggled with making this image look real and getting the lighting right but in the end felt i did a pretty good job and that it turned out pretty good. I struggled a bit with the shadows on this one because of the odd positioning of some of the bodies and things like that. I also chose not to add shadows to some of the images for example the one looking over the fence and the one on the tramp because i felt you wouldn't be able to see the shadow in real life, especially the one on the tramp because the shadow would be on the face of the tramp which in this image you can not see. I also didn't add shadows to two of the three upside down pictures because i was not sure how or where to put them because of the bodies position and felt it would probably look worse if i tried so chose to leave them off and accept any lost marks if there are any. Overall i feel that the lighting is pretty acurate, the etching is done well and the positioning is good some i'm reasonably happy with how it turned out. In the end i did the best i could and spent alot of time on it and don't feel there is anything else i could have done to improve the image.

the grass is greener final product

This here is the finished image of the grass is greener. I have made a few changes from the previous blogged image most notibaly the children specifically the girl. If you noticed i have completly changed the image of the young girl as i felt the one i had in there didnt fit with my idea as she looked far to happy and bright which was not what i wanted her to portray. I've also changed the colour aswell before i had each element colourised differently but realised it would look much better and consistant if i added all the parts in a colourised it all at once the same colour. so i restarted which wasnt too bad as i had all the ethched images saved so it was just a matter of replacing and sizing. Overall im reasonably happy with how the image turned out despite my initial concerns. I still fell like i wasnt able to bring to life the image as it was in my head but i realise i am still learning and it wont be perfect at first and that i just have to keep working hard putting in the effort and eventually it will pay off. A big problem i had with this piece was finding the images i wanted. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a full body image of a man or children standing facing forward! i searched google and sxc among other sites with very little luck! the images i found and eventually used are pretty close to what i had in mind so it worked out but i do realise the image of the girl is slightly out of focus compared to the rest of the images but she was the best one i could find so i chose to make that comprise because i felt it better to get the message across as i wanted and have the image slightly lower quality than to have a high quality image that didnt fit with my message. The city background image was also not quite what i had in mind but again it was the best image i could find that fitted what i wanted, plus it had the billboard so i altered my idea a little to fit the image and i think it turned out pretty well. Adding the shadows on this one was reasonably easy since there was no real way to tell what way the light was coming from so i got to choose so i chose it to be coming from behind which meant the shadows would be in front of the bodies. To do the shadows i copied the image, rotated it upside down, flipped it horozontally, lowered the lightness to nil, added a gausian blur then changed the opacity. I also added a drop shadow to the images on the bill board to make them look better and stand out against the board a bit more.

Friday, August 7, 2009

space composite

Below are all the images i used for my space composite. Theres not quite 40 here because some images were used more than once to make up the 40 elements. The idea i was going for with this one was to try and make the impossible look possible. I chose images that you would not likely see on the moon and tried to make them seem like they belong. The reason i wanted to do this was to try and challenge myself a bit and to try and make a more interesting image rather than just simply placing generic expected space objects in there.

the grass is greener on the other side

below are all the images i used to create my grass is greener composite. As mentioned in the previous post the idea behind this image was to have a not so much sad but incontent looking man with children standing on a city street with business men around him. The mans surroundings are tinted green because to him all these things are his green grass, he thinks all these people have a better life than him because they have cars and money and nice houses. Because of this he doesnt see the good things in his life which are actually what most people want more than cars and money which is love and family. You always see in the movies how the rich are more often than not unhappy and long for the simple things in life like a wife and children and company, so this is what i based my image around.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Space scene progressive report

This is my progressive image of my space scene. I had originally started doing an ocean scene but noticed that everyone else was aswell so changed and started doing space instead. So far i think i have around 10 or so images etched and positioned which leaves me about 30 more to go. The idea i'm going for in this one is to try and make the impossible look possible so instead of doing a straight forward classic space scene i've chosen to add things that you wouldn't normally see in space and try and make them look like they belong there. The things i still have left to do on this one is to finish etching the other 30ish images and position them in the fix up lighting and add shadow and other things to help make it look more realistic. I havn't really experienced any trouble with this one but i guess there's still a little bit to do so something will more than likely pop up!

The grass is greener progressive report

This is my progressive image of the Grass is greener on the other side. The idea behind this image is that you have the man in the middle with his child, he looks around him and see's men in suits who to him are green because he thinks that their life is better because they have money and nice cars and houses. But in reality to most people having a loving family to come home to is far more better than any amount of money or nice possesions, thus encompassing the meaning of the Grass is greener on the other side. So far i've had a fair bit of difficulty trying to get the image i have invisioned in my head to look the same on my screen! I had alot of trouble trying to find the city backdrop that i wanted, this one here is the best that i could find that sorta matched what i wanted in my head. You also wouldn't believ how hard it would be to find full length standing people, especially kids they were the hardest to find! I had initially wanted to have two kids one on each side but have had difficulty finding a decent second image so i might leave it out i'm not too sure yet. Again i need to fix up lighting and add shadow and things aswell as composite a few more images in.

Me Myself and I progressive report

This is a progressive image of my Me Myself and I composite. I have so far etched out 9 images of myself and positioned them in there spots. I'm still far from being finished though i still have one more image of myself to etch and a couple of other little things ie the image of me in the front looking stoned will feature and arrow through the head. Also i need to go through and correct any lighting problems and add my shadows and other features to make the image look more realistic. So far i'd have to say though that its not turning out how i had planned but hopefully with a few adjustments and corrections it will start to look much better.