Monday, June 9, 2008

The colours used on the maltesers packaging are a bright red used for the background and large white font. The use of these colours make the packet stand out because the bright red catches your eye and the white font can be read from a reasonable distance. This is a good colour combination as they go well together and don’t clash and make the products name hard to read.

The brand name of this product is obviously maltesers. This is a fairly well known brand name due to TV and catalogue advertisements. By being such a well known brand and one of the only ones of this particular product it will improve it’s chances of sale as because mentioned in the cocoa, people associate brand names with good quality.

The images used on this packaging are of the product itself. The malteser balls both full and half so to see the centre, are spread out across the front of the packaging with only one on the back. The only other pictures featured on the packet are that of the opening instructions on the back of the packet.

The typography on this packet is a large rounded font similar to a cooper black or forte font. It is white with a black out line and a thin inner glow. The way the typography is placed on the packet is in a slight arch like way as the font starts larger then gets slightly smaller as it progresses across the packet. By having the font so large it allows the consumers to clearly see what the product is from both close up and at a slight distance.

There aren’t really any logos featured on the malteser packet. The only thing that could be possibly seen as a logo would be the image of the half a malteser on the back. This image is surrounded by a thin white box with an arrow pointing to the chocolate saying ‘delicious’ and one pointing to the malt centre saying ‘light and crunchy’.

The design style used for the malteser packaging is consistent throughout the whole of the packet. Both front and back have a red background, all font is white and the same images are used for both the front and back. Both the front and back also feature the phrase “crisp malt centres covered with smooth milk chocolate”.

The information found on the packet is mostly just the basic information you find on most packaging, the ingredients, the nutrition information and a brief blurb on where the product was made and where to contact the manufacturer. As well as this though there is a small box of information regarding the guarantee of quality and a number to call if the product you bought does not match the description they have written in that section.

The geometric shape of the malteser packet is a bag. It has a front, a back and no sides although when open and full it gives the appearance that it does have sides.
The only icons used on this packaging are the above mentioned instructions on opening the bag. It has three images, the first being the unopened bag with a hand showing you where to start opening. The second is the hand at the other end of the packet indicating where you need to tear to. The last is of the open bag with a hand reaching in insinuating that they are now ready to be eaten.
The product packaging of this item is a thin plastic type material bag.

The construction of the packaging is there is a long rectangular shape of the material to start with. Each end is then taken and folded so that the meet in the centre of the bag with a slight overlap. It is then glued together at the bottom of the over lap so that the packet has a small flap down the back. Each of the ends are the glued and sealed and the package is complete.

The size of the maltesers packets varies depending on how large a bag you get. This particular malteser packet is about 22 centre metres long and about 12 and a half centre metres high with the net being 165g.

The protection that the bag offers for the product is not that great. It’s not however that necessary as the maltesers themselves have a thick layer of hard chocolate that protect the inner easily crushed malt, and let’s face it who really cares that much if they are a little crushed they still taste good and that’s the main thing.

Overall i feel that the malteser packaging is both effective in form and function. While there are clearly a few small issues with the function of the packaging for example it’s lack of sufficient protection, the form is really well set out and uses colours well and has just the right amount of images so they’re there but not too cluttered and messy. I love the font and the way they set it out it’s very attractive and clear to read which are both necessities when it comes to typography.

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