Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Elastoplast Shrek Bandaids
The colours that are used on this packaging are orange and purple with a floral like pattern in the purple section only. It seems these colours are quite popular as the Cadbury Cocoa also used them for their packaging. I think the reason for this is they go well together and don't clash with each other.
The brand name for this product is Elastoplast. Whilst not being the best know brand for bandaids, it is still reasonably known. Unlike food the brand of the product is not as highly regarded to determine the quality of the product. With products like bandaides and such the brand name doesn't really play a large part in the consumers decision to purchase as they all do the same thing and taste is not an issue.
The images used on this products packaging are the characters from shrek. This is because the product itself also uses these characters. It also has images of the bandaids and the different characters that appear on them. It's a well know fact that products that include childrens cartoon characters sell better as children love them so parents are more inclined to buy them for this reason alone. It attracts the children to the product which is why there are calls to have this form of advertising banned on junk food products.
The type of typography used on the packaging is a basic bold, white, shadowed font for the brand name and the green shrek writing underneath. On the back of the packet the type used is the same as the brand name but smaller and less bold. It uses the colour white as this can be easily seen on top of the purple backdrop.
Theres not a great deal of logo's featured on the packet except for those of shrek and of course Elastoplast. The actual writing of shrek is the logo featured in the films. It also has a sheild at the top of the packet with the shrek 's' and a crown above it. It also has a very small 'Shrek the third' logo underneath the images of the bandaids on the back of the box. The Elastoplast logo is the text mentioned above in a red and yellow box with a white border which also seperates the red and yellow inside the box.
The design style of this product is a simple orange and purple(mostly purple) back drop with images of shrek characters and the bandaids inside placed on top of it. On the front there's a big image of shrek in the bottom left corner and a couple of bandaids beside him, with the brands logo in the top left corner. The back is completly purple with around 5 images of bandaids with different characters on them.
The information that is included on this products packaging is, how to use the product correctly, the distributor info, the address of Elastoplast and a breif description of the product and it's benifits. It also has the different sizes of the bandaides inside and their exact measurements.
The geometric shape of the packaging is a rectangular box with a small tag like thing on top so the product can be hung up.
Icons featured on this packaging are an arrow pointing down to indicate that you need to push to open, as mentioned above it has images of the two different bandaid sizes to visably show the difference.
The size of the packaging is quite small which is to be expected given what it houses. It's fairly thin with the box being around 11cm high and 8 cm wide with the thin flap at top being about 1 and a half centre metres high and around 7cm wide.
The construction of the box is done in the same way that all boxes are put together, it's glued in the necessary places and has the bottom closed of and the top being the opening
The protection that this packaging offers for the product is very reasonable as the product is small bandaids. In fact i'd go as far as to say that it is unecessarily good as the product is unbreakable and therefore would be just as safe in a plastic bag. The packaging is clearly more for appearance.
Overall in my opinion the packaging sells the product well. As with the Cadbury Cocoa it uses colours effectivly and places the cartoon images largely in places where they will be well seen. As stated above the packaging is more than adequate protection wise and all information is clearly printed and easy to read.

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