Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cadbury Bournville Cocoa


The colour's used on the Cocoa packaging are mostly orange, purple and white. These colours i find blend well together and give the packaging a pleasent appearance. In my opinion products that use brighter colours catch your eye more than those that use bland weak colours like black and white. The way in which the colour's are placed on the packaging in a swirl like pattern adds to it's attractivness.

The brand name for this product is one of chocolates, especially in australia, most well known brands Cadbury. The addition of the brand name gives the product credibility as it is a well advertised therefore well respected brand. I don't think i've ever met anybody who doesn't know or has never heard the cadbury jingle "wouldn't it be nice if the world was cadbury". Alot of people want quality especially in chocolate( at least i do!) and given that cadbury is so well know people associate it with quality so in turn prefer to buy it over lesser known brands.

The image used on this packaging is a pile of tasty looking chocolate hedgehogs. The main purpose of doing this is to show the consumers the sort of things the product can produce as well as making you hungry! I find that if you can visually see the product you are purchasing it adds to the appeal.

The typography used on products is very important. It needs to be eye catching and attractive yet clear and concise. The type of typography suitable for the packaging depends on the product and who it is aimed at. If the product is bubbles aimed at children then a fun big font such as alba super or jokewood would be appropriate. In this case the product is cocoa aimed at older women so it uses a simple typography similar to Times new roman which suites the product yet still looks good.

The logo used on this packet is obviously the cadbury logo. The cadbury logo consists of white swirly joined font in a purple oval. By adding this to the packaging it affirms who the product belongs to and of course again adds credibilty to the procuct.

The design style of this products packaging is mostly orange down the bottom that comes up in swirly fashion with white underneath the swirl and purple above the product uses the same design style for all side of the packaging except the back, with the differnce being it is mostly all orange with the front design in a small bow in the top left haned corner.

This product is a great one for information. Not only does it have all the required thing like ingredients and nutritional info, it also included a recipe for chocolate hedgehogs on the back. As well as the recipe it also provided hints on how to use and store the product and the products website that you can visit for further information.

The cadbury cocoa box doesn't really use any icons except for along the top and in the recipe. Along the top of the box it has a picture of scissors to help indicate the need for scissors in opening the packaging. The other icons found in the recipe section are of a pot on the stove, a mixing bowl with a spoon and a a tray with a thermomotor coloured blue indictaing that the recipe needs to be cooled. The reason that packaging uses icons on top of written instructions is because A) not everyone can read that well and B) not everone speaks english.

The geometric shape of the Cadbury Bournville Cocoa box is your average everyday square. with a plastic bag inside to house the cocoa.
The product packaging for this item is a simple cardboard box. It's not overly thick but is slightly thicker in some places where it overlaps. it's about 9 and half centre meters high and about 5 centre metres wide.
The construction of the packaging is pretty much like most boxes, glued at the bottom with two flaps at the top and a seal with a slot to put it so the box can be closed after it has initially been opened. It has been sealed in the necessary places with a clag like glue that all boxes use to be sealed.
The size of this packaging is not overly large. As mentioned above it's about 9 and a half centre metres high and about 5cm wide. The net weight of the product is 125g which in retrospect is not all that much so that itself gives an indication as to the size of the box.
The protection that this packaging offers the product is fairly reasonable. It's not as good as some products packaging such as fragile and breakable items would be but in terms of what it's protecting i'd say it's adequate.
Overall i'd say that this packaging is effective in both form and function. The colours are eye catching and don't clash, it contains all needed information, and then some as well as being a stable well built package to carry it's contents from A to B safely. The addition of the Hedehogs is a great idea as it gives the overall presentation a boost.

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