Sunday, May 31, 2009

GPS- overall design process

The way in which i came up with my box design
once i had created my rough logo and decided on my colour scheme i did some brief research on other gps boxes and chose certain elements from a few of the boxes that i liked and then added some of my own elements. I then put all this together on my box template and created my analog version. In class though luke gave a a brief lesson on what is a common design with gps boxes and what should be featured and where, so i made several changes in the digital version, for example in the begininig i only had my gps device image featured once on the front but now have it on mostly all sides.

GPS logo- final product

Here is the final product of my navpro logo. The changes i've made this time are i've swapped the colour's around and made the font larger so it takes up more of the shapes.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

GPS update

This is the new version of my logo. It was bought to my attention that the old logo was a little to playful for the product so i simplified it to make it look more corporate and profesional. The main things i did was flatten it out and remove the gradient, glow and shadow and changed the font from rounded to square.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

GPS update

For the last couple of days i've been creating my analog version of the packaging. I find this part to be my most challenging of the entire process due to my limited drawing abilities. I have chosen to use mostly texta to render the box with the occassional pencil here or there, the reason for this is it will best achieve the look i am going for. As predicted i am struggling a little though i am paying great attention to the details and putting in alot of effort which will hopefully give me a half decent result.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

illustrator me

This is a picture of me which i vectored in illustrator


This is just something i created in illustrator in my spare time.

food for thought

This is also a piece created for an assessment the same as the previous post. This one is displaying the common things on the average humans brain.

unfair society

This is a work i created for an assessment where we had to imitate a style of a chosen design studio. The meaning behind it is that society has unfair expectations on young girls and conveys unatainable goals to them.

falling tears

This is just something i put together one night for the hell of it, i've been messing around in photoshop and illustrator a fair bit and i came up with this idea so i made it.

indirect impact

This is a peice i created for an art comp that luke wanted us to enter, unfortunatly i forgot about it till a few days before it closed but stayed up all night and made this. The idea behind it is pretty obvious its about the affect that war has on kids.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

GPS- my design process

When i design a product that requires a brand and or logo i follow the following process
1. I come up with the name, in my diary i sketch down dozens of names until i get one that jumps out at me and suits the product.
2. i design the logo, i take the name i came up with in step 1 and design dozens of different logos until i get one that i am happy with, i then decide on the colours i want to use that will compliment my logo.
3. I research other packaging of the same product and gather what important information needs to be on the packaging and the type of designs they use.
4. I take all my research and build a complete box around the logo and colour scheme.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


During class today i completed the following
* Digitally rendered my logo.
* Researched GPS systems and their packaging.
*Selected my box design.
*made a rough copy of my packaging in pencil.

My GPS logo

During class we have been given an assessment to design and create a GPS box. We have to come up with the name, model number and logo then use them in a complete box design. This right here is my logo for the NavPro G2-88 the best damn GPS this side of....... Ashmont.