Sunday, September 27, 2009

CD inlay

This is the cd inlay.

cd back cover

This is the back cover of the Cd sountrack.

cd front cover

This is the front cover to the cd soundtrack.

wii cover

This is the final version of my wii cover. I would have to say out of all the covers this one took the longest as it has the most legal and copyright information. It took forever to make each of the logos and then type the text and hand kern it so it fits with what was there and looks right.

Ps2 cover

This is the almost completed version of my Playstation 2 cover. The only thing i have to do is change the font for the playstation 2. I downloaded the actual playstation font but i cant figure out how to put it on my laptop so before i print it out i will change that.

screen shot 3 digital

This is the third screen shot which is a picture of the actual game play. As mentioned in a previous post i wanted the game to have a traditional arcade look to it.

screen shot 2 digital

This is the second of the screen shots i made, in this one you select your jetski and then can go to the garage to upgrade it or to the shop to pack it full of weapons.

sreen shot 1 digital

This a screen shot from the game in which you get to customize your Ninja. The look i was going for with my game was to give it a traditional arcade game sorta look rather than the high tech imagery they can do these days.

Ninjas on jetskis

This is my main image of the two ninjas riding the jetskis and fighting each other.

palm tree/ocean

This is a palm tree and the ocean which i use to decorate the cover a bit, the ocean is used on the front and the palm tree on the back.

Jet skis

These are the jetskis i made that the ninjas are riding on the front cover of the game.

Lady ninja

This is a part of my illustration, Its a girl ninja that you can select to be in the game.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ninja wave wars progressive report

This week has been a terrible week for me and my progress as i have been really sick which meant i missed alot of tafe and time on my assessment. I have though however still been working on it and have gotten quite far and would say i'm maybe 75% done. Today however i had a slight set back which has made me quite angry to say the least, I spent over 2 hours writing out, hand kerning and perfecting the copyright and legal text on the back of the playstation 2 cover and i know i saved it for the exact reason that it took me so long. Yet when the program crashed a breif time later and i reopened the file the whole lot was gone!!! needless to say i am not happy and am now restarting the whole lot. Other than that its going pretty good i would say.

Friday, September 18, 2009

screen shot sketch 3

This is the third sketch of my screen shots. This is a shot of the actual gameplay. In this shot you see the two ninjas riding in the race with the ninja behind launching a missile to dislodge the first rider from his jet ski and overtake him.

screen shot sketch 2

This is the sketch of the second screen shot i intend to put on the cover. Its where in the game you get to "build" your ninja by choosing its gender, height, build and colour ( you can choose colours other than black).

screen shot sketch 1

This is a sketch for one of my screen shots. The plan is to have 3 screen shots on the back of the cover showing different aspects of the game. This one is a "shot" of where you choose you jetski, then down the bottom u have the choice to go to the garage and beef it up or to the shop and buy weapons for it.

chosen title sketch

This is a sketch of the final design for my games heading, i chose to go with a blocky font but add a little jazz to it. the idea i have for the colours is a red outline and fill it the blue of the sky in the cover image, but i may change that when i create the vector we'll see.

cover rough sketch

This is a sketch for the front cover of my game that will feature on both the wii and ps2 version and possibly part of on the cd cover.

Title/heading designs

Yep you guessed it they were having a sale on dodgy photos! these here are my designs and or ideas for the title of my idea "Ninja Wave Wars" to get a general idea for the rough type of style i should be going for i researched other jet ski based games and chose a similar style as the majority of the games used.

(very) rough character designs

With yet another dodgy photo i present my original character ideas. These guys here are very rough and incomplete. They were going to be the basis of my original idea but as i mentioned in a previous post i altered the idea to feature ninjas as the characters.

ideas page

This here is a very dodgy photograph of my ideas page. This is the first part of my process where i sat down and thought of ideas whether they where silly or not i write everything down. I then choose an idea and further develop it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Video game design covers

In class we have been given a new assignment to create a video game and make the covers for two different platforms and a CD soundtrack. The first thing i did was some research on games and what is out there. I looked up various different games just to get a feel for the type of games there already actually is. The next step was to open up my visual diary and jot down some ideas. I then went through the ideas i had and chose one to further develop. The idea i chose was wave wars a jet ski based racing game where you race on jet skis around courses while beating the crap out the other racers similar to the old 90's game road rash. Now that i had my idea i started to sketch out potential logos and characters. During a moment of pure genius i had the idea to have ninja's as the riders thus changing the name to ninja wave wars. To get an idea of what sort of font i should use for the title i looked up other jet ski games and based mine on the typical style which was blocked san serif text. I then sat down and sketched out several different styles for the title. Once i had settled on that i began to sketch out the look of the cover( all of the above mentioned sketches will be added once i get the chance to photograph and upload them) . The stage i am up to now is creating the actual covers now that they have been designed. I have taken a Wii game cover from the net and i am currently creating all the official stuff that you would find on a Wii cover. The next step is to do the same for my other chosen platform which is ps2 and then begin to vector my own imagery into them.